C ~ Pre-Columbian California/Colombia, Crofts / Satoyama, Enclosure

[ C 1 ,1 ] “[She said] we had many relatives and . . . we all had to live together; so we’d better learn how to get along with each other. She said it wasn’t too hard to do. It was just like taking care of your younger brother or sister. You got to know them, find out what they liked and what made them cry, so you’d know what to do. If you took good care of them you didn’t have to work as hard. When that baby gets to be a man or woman they’re going to help you out. You know, I thought she was talking about us Indians and how we are supposed to get along. I found out later by my older sister that mother wasn’t just talking about Indians, but the plants, animals, birds—everything on this earth. They are our relatives and we better know how to act around them or they’ll get after us.”( Lucy Smith) ~Tending the Land – Cat Anderson – pg 58) [ C 1 ,1 ]