D ~ Stress, Eternal Stasis

[ D 1, 1]

I write with a sense of secret remaking, like the animal who digs its own hole. (Jean Baudrillard, entretiens, 1991) [ D 1, 1]

What is the use of all (the) sufferings? (duskin drum, 2020) [D 2, 1]

We co-work to secure misery for the many. Austerity is necessary to secure the value of the wealthy. (duskin drum, 2020)[D 3, 1]

…bears out in our subscription to the measure of value. (duskin drum, 2020)[D 3, 2]

Value displays the modern experience of science and law, like an ubiquitous lightning giving faith of «patency». May also be «plastic latency». Porn. Ham. Why not tethered thighs, or trunks. (Max Klük, Notes from the ecocide, 2020) [D 3, 3]

Toppling over straightaway the other countenance (disparition), assuming its catastrophe as an acquisition, and trying to see which are the following new rules. (Jean Baudrillard, entretiens, 1991) [D 4, 1]

Skiping the « I » rather than destroying the game, becoming an invisible actor, melting with the game’s rules, those of how illusion is functioning. Total illusion is the rule of the world. The world is functioning with an apparently secret and out-of-reality rule kit, through illusive symbolic management rather than real technical management. Simulation against illusion. All my analysis of simulation is based upon the fact of escaping the world as an illusion. (Jean Baudrillard, entretiens, 1991) [D 4, 2]

Modern «I» contingent existence’s eternity-oriented will is not compatible with the vision of an evercycling natural world.
(Karl Löwith, Meaning in history,1952) [D 5, 1]

The world stands by itself, unfulfilling its end
(Karl Löwith, Meaning in history,1952) [D 5, 2]