l ~ all MY relations, THE relation (elation, ilation), f*ck Universe

[l 1,1]

All city resources, all about its fairs and pilgrimages, are precious laboratory materials shading what they wanted to be. (Fernand Deligny, Les vagabondes efficaces, 1946) [l 1,1]

[l 2,1]

Previous educational experience-brought cholera is an emotional swindle. We’ll disinfect, all of a sudden, the affective fermentations of all those who may have been kneaded by «good souls» (Fernand Deligny, Les vagabondes efficaces, 1946) [l 2,1]

[l 2, 2]

To observe is to reach the circumstances. (Fernand Deligny, Les vagabondes efficaces, 1946)[l 2, 2]

[l 3, 1]

To live with. Deligny directed a guerrilla, showing a manner, a form of relation, of listening silence, of essentials’ discovery. To him, the relation, the bond, its ground on a -perhaps light- form of being present was a fundamental question. It was not about interventions onto others’ life through word or words, but of being there, next to, living with and likewise others, beyond scientific categories and human rules. ¿What is «education»? ¿What does taking care of others mean or represent? TO PUT LANGUAGE ASIDE (en vacances du langage) AND TO COME OUT ON STRIKE WITH ALL SYMBOLICALLY-SUSTAINED ELEMENTS (Jordi Planella, 2016) [l 3, 1]

[l 4, 1]

Naming things and ordaining them is an acestral obsession. Dendrograms or Arborescent/Arboretum-like object classifications feign to be a genealogy while they are only representing inclusive hierachies out of time scaling (every inferior level only belongs to a superior one) (…) May the tree metaphore -beautyful and simple- be no more the succintest mode for history of life’s storytelling. (…) Otherwise, the question by which the universal tree is root-given stirs a discussion up about which would the last common ancestor’s metabolic characterics and traits be: is there really A cenancestor? (…) May the tree of life be more close to show itself up as a branch-meshed based manggle rather than a trunky oak. (Peretó i Magraner, J., 2000)[l 4, 1]

[l 4, 2]

Today, the tree of life is tottering. Primarily, wrong divisions originated by possible artefacts have been revealed, including that of root’s place. Basically, three unsteady sources have been signaled; first, the historical document concealing the sequence may have been superseded by continuously overlapping mutations. Second, reality’s evolutive processes and retailed hypotheses about how sequences evolve don’t match. Third, there are different lineages’ differences in evolutive speeds and in diverse locations inside a sequence of the same. Particularly, locating the root in a lineage tree containing a highly divergent sequence (a very long branch) will always rely on the major branch, raising suspicions for the cenancestor being bacteria-like.
Secondarily, from the fact that different genes can create different lineages for the same organisms impels us abandon the traditional idea by which genetical information transfers amongst species -even amongst reigns- are rare and exceptional phenomena. Gene lineages and organism lineages cannot be compared, and that highlights doubtful shortages in grounding Nature’s classification. (Peretó i Magraner, J., 2000)[l 4, 2]

[l 4, 3]

(diverse results have granted that) genomes are multiple ancestry gene-tesselled mosaiques rather than gene-tesselled othernesses from neighbouring tree branch outcomes. (Peretó i Magraner, J., 2000)[l 4, 3]

[l 5, 1]

Horizontal gene transfers appear to be a lineage-proceeding scent; its brought declassifying menace goes far beyond classification anger. (Doolittle, W.F., 1999)[l 5, 1]

[l 6, 1]

Are defeaturing permaflows the iconic fantastic fracking impulsions, as imaginary beated sequences, for the making of gross and remote still-sensored circulation? Why not circuitry? (Max Klük, 2020, Notes from the ecocide, Babylon Schizoversity Press) [l 6, 1]

[l 6, 2]

Place through eventuality. Entelechy (caseload) balance, on realisation. Trans-site cantilevered sheltering: housing Amphytrions isn’t hosting. Walls, no roofing in croft based amphitheatres, no backstage. All loans, from place. All permits, from place. Place is hereby the caseload, the built entelechy rather than its permeable existence, like a mind without objective reality. Let place recover from dehappening. (Max Klük, 2020, Notes from the ecocide, Babylon Schizoversity Press) [l 6, 2]