m ~ Uselessness / Photosynthesis / Respiration

,,, a brief pitching for some metapolitic openfield* schoolings**, now from an I Ching-o-lingual-melodramatic-o-cyberwrecked mendicant bait,,,

-On state-overextended decomplementary s-objective liable shuttling (0-99, according to biorythm and condition, in a live monastic retractile sprawl )

1 Start/Stir the Fire up and ringing metal foundries ( from faint rings to a dim voice going form)
2 Vegetal com, crops, gatherings, collections)
3 Animal com, taming, wilderning reversibilities)
4 Dance (Social-Sexual-Political education)
5 Cooking (Alchemy, Chemistry, Magics)
6 Cybernetics (Unity of reasoning spheres; guide concept: Information)

Dusk-Early night
7 Philosophy (Unity of foundry; guide concept: history)

-On state-overextended decomplementary s-objective «Schizoversity» (20-60, according to biorythm and condition, in a planetary*** live paraphrenic pop up sensing schizoverse)

Main sketchfetching (r)elations, openings or hollow-acts of sensitive and supra-sensitive sensing:

1. Hold
2. Perk
3. Interimachy
4. Permeability
5. Nerd-being
6. Collaging
7. Metalepsis ( 0,∞,1 )
8. Drama
9. Ergonomy ( Merry Begging )
10.Non-diction (Sound)

*space is produced (Sun Ra, Henry Lefèbvre, Chris Marker, et al.,,,)
**all services have no capital costs
*** the «non-presential» as a paradox for adventive «quantum politics»: ubiquitous but «outter-lined», «off-the-line», or «misaligned», rather than ubiquity «on-line». (Welkinn, acefaliaelekctra)