Y ~ Spectrophotometry (IMAGE, IMABULARY)

[ Y 1, 1 ]  The impasse turns out to be a passage, and a creatively dangerous passageway.
(Trinh Minh-ha. “Foriegnness and the New Color of Fear” Elsewhere Within Here. 2010)

[ Y 1, 2] ~ Yet there’s no need to be a Christian to know -and no matter if that is through faith’s certainty or mind’s help – that the human(e?) goes far or descends into afterlife, coming back after and again, as a shaman, a Tibetan delog, or as so many other manifested  «revenant» varieties perform. Thus gods also descend into subterranean worlds, like seeds, to revive again (Osiris, Orfeo,…,). They go down for a way up, and,  «otherwards», up for a down (…) because up and down are likewise -and- the same. (Iñaki Preciado Idoeta, La ruta del silencio, 2018)  [ Y 1, 2]